Tuesday 10 November 2009

The opening of Se7ven

Se7ven is a 1995 thriller film directed by David Fincher and staring Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow.

In class we watched the first three minutes of the film focusing on shots, music (both digetic and non diegetic) as well as mis en scene and titles. The shots used in the film especially the beginning when we as an audience are introduced to Morgan Freeman's character are used to establish the authority that his character carries and to show his neatness and loneliness.
Lighting in the film seems to be mostly natural lighting giving it a raw, gritty, feel to the film that is normally seen in British cinema. Where as in the other opening we watched, that of Momento (2000, Dir Christopher Nolan), it is very glossed over and sunny and typical of Hollywood films.
The titles of the film where similar to that of a Horror film, using atmospheric music and scary looking fonts for the texts but as you could say this is a crime/psychological/thriller it suits the overall feel of the film. This is important because the opening titles link into the film and give the audience a feel of the film.

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