Tuesday 10 November 2009


Continuity can be a major problem when filming, for one it can completely suspend our belief in the film, but in this lesson we worked on how to film continuity and use match action shots.My group consisted of Ben, Harley and myself, we were told we had to film a journey of some sort so we decided to film a prison break out scene. Alison taught us how to use the camera's and set up the tripod and as Ben and myself had learned this in GCSE media it was a nice reminder of how to use the cameras and as we were using HD camera's it was like a whole new experience.

We used a lot of different shots to create the feel of myself being imprisoned. We found a suitable location that 'resembled' a prison and for a lot of this lesson it involved me walking up and down and looking angry/upset that I was imprisoned. I did get a few turns holding the camera such as my point of view shots and a low shot that we used to make people yelling abuse look more intimidating. Harley and Ben did a lot of the filming and Harley filmed that the last few shots as we decided to include Ben as a character. We used point of view shots probably quite a few times as we found this effective because it gave the viewer the chance to feel as if he was there.

Our shoots was successful although there were a few mistakes that could be edited out if we had the chance to edit our work. We spent the whole of our lesson filming this work for a two minute video that involved us just mainly holding the camera. If this was done professionally it probably would have taken us the whole lesson to set up lighting camera's and microphones and various other equipment.

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